The digital sales process has multiple touchpoints.

Discover the primary content channels that attract, build, and convert your audience online. 


Did you know on average, users spend about 142 minutes daily on social media? Visibility is crucial; leverage the power of these platforms to attract your ideal audience. Optimize your pages with a captivating strategy and boost brand awareness with engaging content that grows followers and generates leads. 


Website traffic is critical to digital marketing. But once visitors land on your page, they're usually not ready to buy from you. That's why squeeze pages and opt-in forms are crucial. Every brand needs a compelling call to action that captures leads. A vague "subscribe to our newsletter for updates" is no longer enough.


Offering people an incentive to opt in for your emails is a marketing best practice. Give your cold leads an irresistible value-adding gift, aka a freebie. Yours can be a PDF checklist, a short ebook, or training that solves a problem. Ideally, you want to give them something they can easily implement to get a quick win.


Out of sight, out of mind. The internet has many distractions, and your website visitors will quickly move on to the next thing and forget you. So after they opt-in, you want to continue offering value and nurturing the relationship with email sequences and newsletters that demonstrate your solutions and build trust.  


Unlike the ever-changing social media algorithms, your website is your real estate with your ever-green content. Because people like to consume content in various formats, offer your audience text articles and blog posts. Google loves fresh content, and the right keywords improve your SEO. Blogging is not dead.  


Because many people want to reduce screen time, the podcast app on every smartphone and in most cars gives audio huge potential. Your audience can listen on the go or while multitasking without being glued to a screen. Repurpose your videos into mp3 files, and give your listeners an exclusive offline experience.


Studies show people remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, and 80% of what they see and do. Video is popular because it allows consumers to experience content delivery that fast-tracks the know, like, and trust factor. Your audience wants to engage with your videos, interactive live streams, and webinars.


A sales funnel is the process someone goes through to buy a product or service. It educates potential clients and consumers along their journey at various touchpoints. A converting funnel addresses the buyer's pain points and demonstrates your solutions, helping your audience make informed purchasing decisions.

Are you ready to learn how we can work together to optimize your sales process online?