Are You Doing Social Media Wrong?

"Social Media is about the people. Not about your business. Provide for the people, and the people will provide for you." - Matt Goulart 

We human beings can be a peculiar bunch. We like buying, but we hate being sold to. Savvy marketers know marketing is NOT about constantly pushing your products or services into people's faces with "Buy My Stuff"! posts. Instead of attracting them, too much selling repels your potential and existing customers

Marketing is about adding value to your audience with content that lets them get to know, like, and trust you. The key is to give, give and give some more before asking for the sale. Especially when it comes to marketing on the internet.

But in the age of digitalization, it's easy for entrepreneurs and companies to view social media as one huge advertising billboard, forgetting the word is SOCIAL media, not SALES media. This could be the reason the desired ROI is not happening.

Here are 3 suggestions of what to do instead: 

1. Reassess Your Social Media Objectives

Based on your target audience, reassess your social media objectives. What do you want to achieve with social media, and how does that benefit your target audience? Do you want your posts to create awareness and build your brand, engage and educate your audience, or generate leads and boost sales?

2. Create a Strategic Content Plan

Set short and long-term goals then based on your bottom line, create a strategic content plan at least 30 days in advance. Having clear goals and a plan in place avoids inconsistency, haphazard activity, and staring at a blank screen, wondering what to post today. A planner will make creating content easy. You'll save time and grow your audience faster.

3. Use The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule means you post 80% value-adding content (educational, entertaining, informative, inspiring) and 20% sales. To create a variety of posts that add value to your readers, use a planner with content that attracts and engages your audience. For ideas and prompts, download your 30-Day Template as a FREE BONUS here.

Try the above tips, track your results, and optimize accordingly. Social media is a dynamic, ever-changing landscape. Observe the trends, and use data and insights to do more of what works for your brand and audience. When done the right way, social media works. 

Add consistency, and you will see a better Return on Interaction - ROI.


Has your brand done a social media content audit lately?

Learn how audits improve your bottom line here.




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