13 Ways to Repurpose a Video

"Content that cannot be repurposed and re-used again may prove to be unhealthy for the organization." ― Krishna Mohan Avancha

In the digital era, content marketing is no longer an option. For our potential consumers, clients, and customers to find us, we have to raise our "virtual hands," indicating we are in business. Your content is that raised hand.

Sometimes we're not consistently sharing online because we don't know what to post or have no time to create fresh content. 

But what if I told you the good news is you don't always have to "create" new content? 

Read on...

We often underestimate the sheer amount of content we've already created. We stress out about coming up with new ideas. On such days, consider the following: Most of your new connections have not seen your old blog posts, tweets, live streams, podcasts, etc. 

And, like many of us, your brand is probably on multiple social media networks. The people who follow you on Twitter may not be in your private Facebook group. Your blog and newsletter subscribers may not follow you on Instagram.

This also means your audience on LinkedIn may not have seen that how-to video you shared on YouTube three months ago or the exclusive valuable tips you emailed your newsletter subscribers six months ago.

Enter repurposing.

Take past evergreen content, brush it up, and share it with your new audience. For example, say you did a webinar or a Facebook Livestream in a private group 1 year ago; instead of letting it gather digital dust, put it to good use. Leverage that one piece of content into multiple formats.

13 Ways to Repurpose a Livestream Video 

1. Upload to your blog or business pages.

2. Upload snippets on Instagram's stories.

3. Strip the audio and create a podcast for iTunes.

4. Transcribe it and share it as an article on LinkedIn.

5. Make bullet points and create a LinkedIn SlideShare.

6. Take key points and share them as quotes on branded visuals.

7. Edit and upload a short video snippet to LinkedIn and Twitter.

8. Download audio and share it on your website with an embedded media player.

9. Transcribe and share as a blog post or newsletter to your new subscribers.

10. Upload a snippet to YouTube and offer the full version as gated content to get leads.

11. Post a snippet on your Instagram feed and link the full video on your bio or LinkTree, driving traffic back to your site.

12. Transcribe it, take main takeaways, add images and create a lead magnet (checklist, white paper, workbook, ebook, etc.)

13. User-generated content is a great marketing strategy for social proof. Share screenshots of testimonials and positive comments from your Livestream audience. Be sure you have the individual's permission if the feedback is inside a private group. If it's on a public page, no consent is required, and most people are happy to be featured.

    These are a few ways you can repurpose one single piece of content and serve multiple audiences. Repurposing into different formats is a content marketing strategy that saves you time and caters to your audience's multiple learning styles.

    Do you need support with repurposing?

    I offer content solutions. Learn more here.



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